Q: Is there a mailing list? How do I get added?

A: Yes there is! Please fill in this Google Form https://forms.gle/ZtGvr4fQ95oPX9ea8 to subscribe/unsubscribe to our mailing list.

Q: Are there any classes in the holidays?

A: No, we run classes during university term time only.

Q: Can I attend CUTAZZ classes if I’m not a university student?

A: Yes! CUTAZZ is a place for everyone who dances and everyone who desires to. We welcome people of all backgrounds, ages, and interests with this common ground and commitment to dance. However, because of child safety laws, we will not be able to allow non-university students under 18 join our classes. 

Q: Can I join classes in the middle of term?

A: You are welcome to join classes at anytime of the year. During the first half of Lent Term (January-February) classes consist of learning and rehearsing dances for our show but after the show classes return to normal.

Q: Can I be in the show if I joined at the beginning of Lent Term?

A: Advanced and Intermediate classes learnt their first routine during Michaelmas term (Oct-Dec) and start their second piece at the beginning of Lent. If you start classes at the beginning of Lent Term, you could learn and dance in the second piece and take part in the show. Beginners classes do one routine per class, so you can join at the start of Lent Term and be part of the routine.

Q: Do classes build on the previous weeks or can I come along whenever?

A: This largely depends on the teacher but most classes will consist of some technique, some free work and a routine. Teachers are normally able to accommodate people who are attending the class for the first time.

Q: Do I have to pay for classes?

A: Yes, you can pay as you go. Classes cost £5 for non members and £3 for members, and membership costs £20 for the year (October-June).

Q: How do I buy membership?

A: You can buy membership in class at any point in the year. It costs £20 per year – Memberships can be bought using our website or BY CARD ONLY at classes. We also offer a discounted rate during Easter term. 

Q: Am I allowed to come and support the Competition Team at their competitions?

A: Yes, please do!! The competitions are usually free to enter as a spectator and the more support we have the better.

Q: Do the timetables change every term or are classes always on the same day, same time?

A: Timetables usually change every term depending on the teacher’s schedules. But during each term classes remain at the same time and day for the whole term. If you can’t make a certain time slot but want to attend a class, you could go try out the same style at a different level or maybe try a new style!

Q: Can I come to beginners tap without tap shoes?

A: Yes, feel free to practice in trainers until you want to buy tap shoes. If you want to dance in the show you will need to wear tap shoes.

If none of the above answered your queries, please do contact one of the committee members. Their e-mail addresses can be found here.